Helen Keating Consulting

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June 2020 Feng Shui + BaZi

Here is your Feng Shui and BaZi for the month of the Yang Water Horse (壬 午 Ren Wu), June 5-July 5, 2020

The Horse Month (Yang Fire 丙) is the most powerful fire element of the year, coinciding with the middle of Summer in the Chinese calendar. It generally brings with it high energy and optimism. But this year, the Horse is in a destructive cycle with Yang Water 壬. So while we are feeling the optimism of Summer and moving out of lock-down, there’s a bit of a “wet blanket” putting a damper on the party. Additionally, the Horse is in direct conflict/clash with the Rat this year, undermining its energy; making it weaker and unstable. So, proceed with a solid plan, caution, and the realization that this year will continue to be a bumpy ride. At the risk of being a doomsday prophet, it’s a good idea to be mentally, physically, and emotionally prepared to take on this wild ride of a Rat year. Take care of yourself in every way, to help you weather the storm.

Flying Star Feng Shui 玄空風水

The 4 Star enters the Center Palace this month, creating some unstable energy as the Annual 7 (metal) is in a destructive cycle with the 4 (wood), which will create tension and instability. So, the overall energy of the month doesn’t receive much help from the Flying Stars.

North Palace: The 9 (fire) enters the North, where the Annual 3 (wood), which is supported by the water of the Palace, will feed the fire and weaken the quarrelsome/courageous 3. This area will support reputation/fame this month so it’s a good area to spend time.

Northeast Palace: The 7 (metal) star of aggression and scandal meets the Annual 1 (water), which is weakened by the earth of the Palace. Use yin water or wood to reduce the 7.

East Palace: The 2 (earth) illness star meets the Annual 5 (earth). Both of these earth stars are inauspicious, with potential for loss and sickness, especially when paired. The Annual star is being drained by the wood Palace, but it’s a good idea to use metal here to help mitigate the overall energy. This is not a good area for a front door, bedroom, or work/study space. As was suggested in the annual analysis, avoid this area and keep it quiet and tidy…and absolutely no construction.

Southeast Palace: The aggressive 3 (wood) visits the 6 (metal) career star. Since metal chops wood, there is potential for unstable energy. If you need to boost your courage, use water, which will erode the metal and support the wood. But be mindful about your interactions with others because the 3 can encourage quarrels. You can also leave this area as is, and be mindful to avoid arguments. A third option would be to neutralize all the energy here with fire, making it a safe place.

South Palace: The 8 (earth) wealth star visits the 2 (unhealthy earth) illness star, with the potential to be supportive of real estate and wealth, but there’s also potential for falling ill. Considering the underlying energy this year, the most prudent action would be to use metal here to mitigate all the earth.

Southwest Palace: The 1 (water) fame star visits the 4 (wood) Annual creativity star, creating a supportive area for creativity and relationships. It’s also supportive of academics, so it’s a good place for a bedroom, office, front door, or study area.

West Palace: The 6 (metal) career star visits the fiery and expansive 9 star. There’s potential for conflict with the father/husband, or male authority figure. Use earth here to mitigate the clash between the metal and fire.

Northwest Palace: The 5 (earth) misfortune star visits the benevolent 8 (earth). Use metal here to mitigate losses.

BaZi 八字

The Yang Water of this month is wild and powerful. The Yang Fire of the Horse is at the peak of the fire season, which is generally a very dynamic time of year. When in balance it’s a month of hope, celebration, and freedom. However, in this case, there’s a clash of elements as well as a clash with the Rat Tai Sui, which creates tension and uncertainty. Proceed with caution, intention, and with mindfulness.

June is your nobleman month if:
You were born in a year ending in 1 (1961, 1981, 2001, 2011, etc.)
You were born in a Yin Metal year
Your day master is Yin Metal

Nobleman helps mitigate any misfortune or bad luck that may come your way, to lessen its effects. If you weren’t born with this guardian in your chart, you’ll be under the care of Nobleman this month if you meet any of the criteria above.

June is your clash month if:

You were born in the year of the Rat
You were born in the month of the Rat (Dec 7/8 - Jan 5/6)
You were born on the day of the Rat
You were born in the hour of the Rat (2300 - 0100 local time)

This is a double clash month for you in the case of any of these criteria. When in a clash, be especially careful about your communications and actions. Slow down and proceed with caution. Be mindful of how your personal and business relationships. With a double clash you need to be especially aware and careful of your actions this month. It’s not a month for needless risk taking.

June is your self penalty month if:

You were born on the day of the Horse. Self penalty presents as self-sabotage in any number of ways. Take care of yourself and be aware of the energy that surrounds you. Make sure you’ve taken care of all the Feng Shui adjustments in your home and office to support you to the greatest extent.

If you have an interest in obtaining your Feng Shui and/or BaZi chart(s), contact me using the Contact form on this site.