Helen Keating Consulting

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March 2024 Month of the Yin Fire Rabbit

Yin Fire Rabbit - Ding Mao 丁卯

The Yin Fire Rabbit is the 2nd month of the Yang Wood Dragon year. While the Yang Fire Tiger month was very lively energy, this month is less volatile as the Rabbit is much more cautious and gentle than the Tiger. Yang Fire is a blaze that spreads like wildfire, whereas Yin Fire is a candle in the darkness. The Rabbit signals the peak of Spring with the promise of new growth. Yin Fire Rabbit brings inspiration. It is the solitary candle that can light the candles of many others without extinguishing its own flame. Ding Fire Rabbit is not only inventive, progressive, and original, but it has a natural gift for words and can express ideas clearly. It can spot opportunities, think fast, and act fast. It is an intellectual powerhouse and a people person. Ding Fire can transform all the other elements and as such is the impetus for creative ideas that are forward-thinking and ahead of the times. Rabbit is a good mediator and diplomat. In Dragon Year, Rabbit can co-exist peacefully even through conflict. So, this month we may see the beginnings of leadership that ignites greater collaboration and lays the groundwork for a future that is more thoughtful, innovative, and cooperative. Alliances may be formed or strengthened in support of progressive ideas.

Other events this month are DST on the 10th, Summer Solstice on the 20th, and Lunar Eclipse on the 25th.

BaZi (Chinese Astrology) tips for Month of the Ding Fire Rabbit:

If you have Yang Water (Ren 壬) or Yin Water (Gui 癸) in your chart or were born in a year ending with 2 or 3, this is a Nobleman month for you. Look around you for helpful people in areas that you can use assistance.

If you have Rabbit in your chart, this a a 2-Penalthy month for you. This can negatively affect relationships, so be mindful of how you interact with those around you.

If you have Rooster or Yin Water in your chart, this is a Clash month for you. Depending upon where in your chart, it can predict obstacles, conflict, and change.

If you have Dog in your chart, this is a 6 Combination month for you, which can reduce clashes and overall make molehills out of mountains.

If you have Tiger, Horse, or Dog in your chart, this is a Peach Blossom/Flower of Romance month for you. You will be attractive to others, which can enhance your romantic or social life.

Those of you who have Dragon in your chart, keep in mind that this is a Self-Penalty year for you. Be mindful of self-doubt and self-sabotage in your day-to-day life.

If you don’t have your BaZi chart there are several free BaZi Calculators online. All you have to do is enter your birth information. If you want your Bazi chart analyzed, feel free to contact me at HelenKstyles@gmail.com for more information.