Helen Keating Consulting

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12 Feng Shui Tips to Enhance Your Life

Aside from what can be accomplished through a consultation by a Feng Shui expert, these Feng Shui tips are among the recommended practices that can and will enhance your life overall. You instinctively feel the energy of a space: when it's well curated and maintained it makes you feel like you're being embraced and welcomed...even to visitors. However, when there's chaos and visible soil, you instinctively recoil or feel uncomfortable. Mindfulness, cleanliness, and reducing clutter go a long way toward raising your energy levels and clarity of thought. It's surprising how drastically the small changes you make can affect your overall experience.

  1. Surround yourself only with things that you truly love
  2. Simplify and organize
  3. Learn to edit, curate, and create open spaces
  4. Open doors and windows often for a fresh flow of air and energy
  5. Maintain a clean and orderly home or workplace
  6. Keep everything in good repair and discard broken items
  7. Eliminate toxic cleaning products and use earth friendly options
  8. Use healthy live plants to improve indoor air quality
  9. Live in gratitude and with an open heart
  10. Create an environment that supports your life aspirations
  11. Use sound & scent to remove stagnant or negative energy and to keep the frequency high
  12. Be mindful of your thoughts and words. Avoid phrases that have underlying negative connotations, like, "Just kill me now."